PipeRiv Changelog https://www.piperiv.com/changelog A list of updates to the PipeRiv site. en-us Changelog - Thursday, Aug 29, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/30 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/30 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 18:35:13 +0000
  • Critical Notice Tracking: 80
  • Capacity Connection (display): 10
  • Capacity Tracking (saving to db, notifications): 2

  • Carlsbad Gateway

    Cove Point LNG

    Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage

    Great Basin Gas Transmission

    TransCameron Pipeline
    Changelog - Friday, Aug 23, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/29 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/29 Fri, 23 Aug 2024 06:21:04 +0000
    Changelog - Thursday, Aug 15, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/28 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/28 Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:03:36 +0000
    Freeport LNG

    Plaquemines LNG
    Changelog - Thursday, Aug 1, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/27 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/27 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 22:34:11 +0000
    Plaquemines LNG
    Changelog - Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/26 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/26 Wed, 17 Jul 2024 20:55:41 +0000
    Changelog - Monday, Jul 15, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/25 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/25 Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:31:11 +0000
    Freeport LNG

    Gulf South Pipeline

    Texas Eastern Transmission
    Changelog - Wednesday, Jul 3, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/24 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/24 Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:40:01 +0000
    Changelog - Friday, Jun 28, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/23 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/23 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:54:59 +0000
    There are three different types of graphical views: Default, Independent, and Relative. All of the views show how much capacity has been scheduled in red, how much is available in green, and if the flow is restricted it will show yellow for remaining design capacity that is not available.

    The Default view adjusts the height of the meters based on the capacity (more capacity, the taller it is and less capacity, the shorter it is). The Independent view uses the same height for every location. This makes it easy to scroll through and see each point independently. The Relative view keeps every location the same height, but it adjusts the width of the meter based on the size of the capacity. The largest capacity points will have the longest meter bars and the smaller capacity points will have shorter bars (or in a lot of cases, the bar won't be visible due to the relative size differences).

    You can hover over the graphical bars to see a tooltip that pops up to show you the data used to create the bar.

    Below are the links to the new pages:



    Mountain Valley Pipeline

    If you would like to see a specific pipeline's data added to PipeRiv or if you see any bugs, please don't hesitate to reach out.]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, Jun 27, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/22 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/22 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 18:41:16 +0000


    Mountain Valley Pipeline

    If you would like to see a specific pipeline's capacity added to PipeRiv, please don't hesitate to reach out.]]>
    Changelog - Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/21 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/21 Wed, 19 Jun 2024 19:14:16 +0000
  • Added Equitrans Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Mountain Valley Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Rager Mountain Storage Critical Notices to the system.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, Jun 13, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/20 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/20 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 18:39:57 +0000
  • Added Arlington Storage Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM Border Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Camino Real Gas Gathering Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Cheyenne Plains Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Colorado Insterstate Gas Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Eagle Ford Gathering Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Eagle Ford Midstream Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Elba Express Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added El Paso Natural Gas Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Gulf Coast Express Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Horizon Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM Illinois Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Keystone Gas Storage Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Kinderhawk Field Services Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM Louisiana Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM Mexico Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Midcontinent Express Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Mojave Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Natural Gas Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added NET Mexico Pipeline Partners Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM North Texas Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Permian Highway Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Sierrita Gas Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Southern LNG Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Southern Natural Gas Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Stagecoach Pipeline and Storage Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM Tejas Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Tennessee Gas Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added KM Texas Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added TransColorado Gas Transmission Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Twin Tier Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Wyoming Interstate Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Young Gas Storage Critical Notices to the system.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, Jun 6, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/19 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/19 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 19:07:38 +0000
  • Added Northwest Pipeline Critical Notices to the system.
  • Added Pine Needle LNG Critical Notices to the system.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/18 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/18 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 19:04:58 +0000
  • Added Gulfstream Natural Gas System Critical Notices to the system.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, May 30, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/17 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/17 Thu, 30 May 2024 19:10:31 +0000
  • Made changes to the structure of the code and introductory content.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Friday, May 24, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/16 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/16 Fri, 24 May 2024 19:42:30 +0000
  • Launched the updated PipeRiv.com site.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Tuesday, May 21, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/15 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/15 Tue, 21 May 2024 19:32:17 +0000
  • Finishing out the directory system on the development server.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Saturday, May 18, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/14 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/14 Sat, 18 May 2024 23:45:30 +0000
  • Working on building out the initial directory.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, May 16, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/13 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/13 Thu, 16 May 2024 21:59:10 +0000
  • Doing final clean up on the design before pushing to production.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Wednesday, May 15, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/12 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/12 Wed, 15 May 2024 10:00:00 +0000
  • Working on adding a Natural Gas Critical Notice feed.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Tuesday, May 14, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/11 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/11 Tue, 14 May 2024 23:35:47 +0000
  • Continuing to work through the design updates on the dev server.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, May 9, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/10 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/10 Thu, 09 May 2024 22:27:10 +0000
  • Working on updating the home page design.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/9 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/9 Tue, 07 May 2024 22:04:46 +0000
  • Added Gulf South Critical Notices to the centralized informational postings.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Sunday, May 5, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/8 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/8 Sun, 05 May 2024 20:13:26 +0000
  • Added Transco Critical Notices to the centralized informational postings.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Friday, May 3, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/7 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/7 Fri, 03 May 2024 22:20:16 +0000
  • Added an RSS feed for Changelogs.
  • Worked on design improvements.
  • Finished mobile optimizations for table display.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, May 2, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/6 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/6 Thu, 02 May 2024 19:59:50 +0000
  • Fixed some internal text processing.
  • Improved table processing for mobile devices.
  • Started researching design direction.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/5 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/5 Wed, 01 May 2024 22:04:53 +0000
  • Moved all the changelog items into the database.
  • Also added the ability to update changelog items.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Friday, Apr 26, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/4 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/4 Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:00:00 +0000
  • Updated the changelog system to make it easier to update.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Thursday, Apr 25, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/3 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/3 Thu, 25 Apr 2024 10:00:00 +0000
  • Started building out the initial database and login system.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/2 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/2 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:00:00 +0000
  • Added individual changelog pages.
  • ]]>
    Changelog - Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/1 https://www.piperiv.com/changelog/1 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:00:00 +0000
  • Created the changelog page.
  • ]]>